Sunday, March 22, 2015

Smart Lock Android allows phone unlocked in pocket –

This was reported by Android Police .

Google calls the functionality on-body detection. These users need to unlock their smartphone only once, after which the device will remain in that state as long as they are moving. The phone down, then Android lock it again.

This allows you to keep the phone in your hand or pocket without having to enter a code when the screen is now gone.

Google warns however that the smart lock does not discriminate in who holds the phone. Is a smartphone with enabled on-body detection passed on to someone else, it will remain unlocked.

The functionality is currently limited. Android Police suggests that the addition takes place via an update to the Google Play Services app, and so is not necessarily tied to a particular version of Android.

The additional locking options probably does work only on Android 5.0 or higher because the smart lock was only introduced in that version. This made it possible to have an Android smartphone automatically unlock when it connects to a trusted WiFi network.

This is new in Android 5.0



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