Sunday, March 22, 2015

HTC replaces CEO by Cher Wang – All About Phones

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manufacturer HTC has been chief executive put aside. Cher Wang will take over the helm and will outline a new direction for HTC.

 Cher Wang CEO HTC

Over the past three years HTC struggling with disappointing results. Since the introduction of the HTC One M7, HTC seems to be in a downward spiral hit. The company still makes profit, but it does not do much about. In addition, sales year on year decreases which has made it difficult for HTC to compete with companies like Samsung and Apple. The marketing department of HTC managed to convince consumers to buy a new HTC phone.

As a result, HTC CEO Peter Chou replaced. The CEO was replaced by former marketing director Cher Wang, who set up the company together with Chou. Chou will focus on future products within HTC. Chou was always himself a technician and he will now be in charge of our future new products within the company.

Interestingly enough Chou in the past CEO shelf hung on the success of the HTC One M7. This turned out not to be an unqualified success for HTC, but the CEO gave his position was not yet up. Cher Wang has itself proposed to be topvrouw of the company.


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