Monday, March 23, 2015

The resurrection of the mammoth is near – or not – Tarumba!

The bold idea to leave with Jurassic Park-like genetic engineering a mammoth rise again become a little less insane. American geneticists say they have managed to grow living cells having incorporated some acting mammoth DNA.

That could be the prelude in theory a mammoefant ” an elephant with mammoth-like properties, think genetics professor George Church and colleagues at Harvard University who made the cells. The cells are now mammoth genes related to things like hair, oorafmetingen, subcutaneous fat and the oxygen levels. They’re built between elephant DNA.

“We have given priority to genes related to resistance to cold,” says Church in an interview with the British newspaper The Sunday Times. A publication in a professional journal will follow, says Church, which mainly international fame because of the artificial bacteria that grows his lab.

Well preserved

How well preserved some extinct animal is also in the ice, it is or death

Barbara Gravendeel (Naturalis and the University of Leiden)

Not that Church already has a mammoth. It’s still the question what kind of animal cells that the scientists developed eventually pay.

When Spanish scientists in 2009 extinct ibex tried to revive the clone died directly because of birth defects.

“How well preserved as one extinct animal is also in the ice, it’s dead, “says Barbara Gravendeel Naturalis and Hogeschool Leiden request. “Due to aging of the material degrades DNA. If you are going to reconstruct, there are glitches. “


For years brood several research teams on a revival of primitive animals such as the mammoth. The latter is a good candidate because his DNA is fairly well known, and he still has a living relative to roam – the elephant -. Who might be genetically cheat sheet can serve and as surrogate

In Siberia has polar scientist Sergei Zimov even plans for a real prehistoric steppe. “We would be very happy with a group of mammoths,” said Zimovs son Nikita earlier against the newspaper.

Endangered Species

One obstacle is cloning itself. Even if you manage to get a working cell, the scientists will need a large amount of eggs to the closest relative of the mammoth, the Asian elephant or maybe the African elephant. However, these are protected species that carry their eggs deep in the body and only ovulate a few times a year.

Gravendeel can muster little enthusiasm for the project. “They are trying to stunts over and over again,” she says. “Personally, I think you can better keep what you have left over that you bring extinct species back.”

Source:. Volkskrant


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