Friday, March 20, 2015

Google makes tablet Ebola-proof –

Google has partnered with a number of technicians from all over the world a ‘Ebola-proof designed tablet. The gadget can be submerged without problems chlorine disinfectant solution, and the device is perfect for use in Ebola areas. That reports the BBC


Organization Doctors without Borders (MSF) had the idea for the tablet. To date, notes by physicians often over long distances to assistant shouted to the risk of infection to minimize. Dangerous; the risk of miscommunication and misdiagnosis in this way big.


Google picked up the challenge and developed along with a group of engineers a special tablet enclosure. The shell can be taken off by immersion in a chlorine solution and the sharp edges so that the protective clothing of aid workers remains intact. The tablet can be operated with gloves and also works with high humidity.

From the device data is transmitted wirelessly to a small server. Another advantage: the tablet and server running on batteries. So the medical staff is no longer dependent on the lack of electricity in Ebola areas. The accurate collection of information may help physicians to Ebola and develop a better understanding of the disease.

The equipment has been tested successfully in a treatment center in Sierra Leone. MSF hopes that the tablet in the future can be adapted for use in other humanitarian emergencies.

The death toll has risen above 10,000 by the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Sierra Leone and Guinea together with Liberia the most affected countries


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