Monday, March 23, 2015

Mammoth will be back thanks to DNA revolution –

Leon van Wijk
23-3-15 – 17:40
The frozen remains of a mammoth female. © epa.

Man comes in the future might be again faced with woolly mammoths, thanks to a group of researchers from Harvard university. That combined DNA fragments of the extinct giants with the DNA profile of an elephant and the results combined lives.

From frozen soil scientists took parts of the mammoth DNA that distinguish the animals disappeared from elephants as their hairiness and ear size. Then they copied these particles to add them using a new technique to the DNA profile of elephants. It acts completely, making it survives the first time in 3,300 years that mammoth DNA.

Mammoths family of the Asian elephant and became extinct during the last Ice Age. It is not certain how it happened; possible was a comet impact the cause. It was certainly not by inbreeding.

The last mammoths would have lived on Wrangel Island in the Arctic Ocean. Of those animals, the researchers used DNA. Although that very complicated and precise work, the DNA remains are well preserved or because the frozen ground served as a freezer. Before man again mammoths may encounter, scientists still need to experiment further. Combining the DNA is now finally succeeded only in the laboratory.

Not all researchers are eager to make the mammoth let his comeback. ,, The African and Asian elephant almost die out. Why should we bring back another elephant-like when we can not even leave unchanged the present species? ” Says Professor Alex Greenwood, according to The Telegraph.

Other researchers worry that scientists want to experiment with living elephants would mammoths should give birth. ,, The animals have to endure a pregnancy of 22 months for something that might not even survive. There are no good reasons for that is not worth it, ” said Tori Herridge, mammoth expert at London’s Natural History Museum, told The Independent.


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