Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Planets named inventors of Zeeland telescope – NU.nl

The International Astronomical Union, which is about names in the universe, which is Tuesday.

Janssen and Lippershey have approximately the same time invented the telescope in 1608. They lived in Middelburg.

Janssen may consist of diamond. The temperature is more than 2,100 degrees. He runs so fast to its star that a year there lasts eighteen hours.

The planets and Janssen Lippershey orbiting the star 55 Cancri. Which is now called Copernicus. On a clear night he can be seen with the naked eye or with a small viewer. He is pretty close to the earth.

The other planets in the system are Harriot, Galileo and called Brahe. Those are astronomers that made important discoveries in the early years of the telescope.


The names are proposed by the Royal Dutch Society for Meteorology and Astronomy. ” These people were essential to the idea that the universe does not rotate around the earth, ” said Secretary Jan de Boer.

The association wanted knowingly 55 Cancri and its planets to name, because there are many planets were available, so more names to distribute. Moreover Cancer visible from the Netherlands.

Stars are usually given a scientific name. For example consisting of an abbreviation followed by a bunch of numbers that indicate where he can be found in the universe. The planets around it have the same name with a letter in addition.

More accessible

The IAU would facilitate access to the names and others had asked for proposals for fourteen stars and about thirty planets. After the first selection, the public was allowed to vote on all proposals.

The star mu Arae renamed to the Spanish writer Cervantes. His planet is called Quixote, Cervantes’ famous character Don Quixote. The dead star PSR 1257 + 12 is now called Lich, to an undead mythical figure. There is orbiting the planet Poltergeist

By:. ANP / NU.nl


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