Monday, December 21, 2015

Climate researcher speaks of “mass hysteria” about climate change – Focus on News

Toll in the newspaper: “There is no reason to believe that climate change is now so terrible. Unless you’re raising funds for Greenpeace or a politician you which presents itself as the savior of mankind. Then you have to gain by exaggerating things. ” According to Tol climate hardly affect our wellbeing and our prosperity. “There live happy and rich people in sweltering Singapore but also in freezing cold Canada.”

And, says Tol, climate change is not the main problem. Dirty air causes currently already roughly 4 million deaths per year, while the UN climate panel IPCC assumes that at the end of this century more than one million deaths annually can be attributed to climate change. Toll in the newspaper: “So a problem that causes a million deaths over a hundred years, is more important than a problem that now causes millions of deaths? Utter nonsense. “

People notice that it gets warmer. But that in a particular year or period was warmer than normal, according to the scientist need not necessarily be a sign of climate change. “If a country wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, simply enter a carbon tax and in return lower the payroll taxes.”

Tol is no point worrying about the future. “Possibly the sea level rises this century here with half a meter, but the Netherlands has the money and the know-how to do something against it.” According to him, a poor country like Bangladesh be affected by climate change. The country is being threatened by rising sea levels. “Poverty is a bigger problem than climate change. Help you to reduce the poor through greenhouse gas emissions or to alleviate poverty? “


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