Friday, December 11, 2015

Archaeological evidence massacre Army Julius Caesar in the Netherlands – Focus on News

Wednesday, 9 December 2015 – 17:03 Update: 11-12-2015 16:58

Until now, the location of this battle, which Casesar wrote at length in Book IV of his De Bello Gallico, unknown. It is the earliest known battle of Dutch soil. The conclusions are based on a combination of historical, archaeological and geochemical data.

Skeletal Remains, swords and spearheads

It is the first time that the presence of Caesar and his troops on Dutch territory has been shown explicitly. The findings of this battle include more large numbers of skeletal remains, swords, spearheads and a helmet.

The two Germanic tribes (the Tencteri and Usipetes) came from the area east of the Rhine and explicitly asked for asylum at Caesar. Caesar refused the request and ordered his forces mission to destroy the tribes violently. Today we qualify such action as genocide.

During the press conference will Roymans explores the discoveries in Kessel (Noord-Brabant) and its historical significance. He also shows authentic weapons and skeletal remains that are coming from this battlefield.


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