Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Attacks Paris most discussed topic on Facebook –

That is the social network announced Wednesday. At a special site brings Facebook the most discussed topics in card.

Worldwide came the attacks in Paris in second place, and were the forthcoming presidential elections in the US the most discussed topic.

third place in the Dutch list emotional performance by Ali B in The World Keeps Turning . Further, the Tour de France and the Eurovision Song Contest were much discussed.

The war in Syria and the accompanying refugee crisis are in place seventh in the list of Facebook, beyond Sail Amsterdam and the earthquake in Nepal.

The Keukenhof was the most popular Dutch site to check in via Facebook. On second and third place respectively are the Efteling and Rotterdam Zoo.

Last year was the World Cup the most widely discussed topic on Facebook. The site then gave no separate list of popular topics in the Netherlands

The entire Dutch Top 10.

1. Charlie Hebdo
2. Attacks in Paris (November 13)
3. Ali B in DWDD
4. Tour de France
5. Eurovision
6. Greek financial crisis
7. Syrian Civil War & amp; refugee crisis
8. Sail Amsterdam
9. Earthquake Nepal
10. Holland’s Next Top Model

The global top 10:

1. Presidential elections in the US
2. Attacks in Paris on November 13
3. Syrian Civil War & amp; Refugee Crisis
4. Earthquake Nepal
5. Greek Financial Crisis
6. Gay marriage
7. Fight against ISIS
8. Charlie Hebdo attack
9. Protests in Baltimore
10. Shooting Charleston & amp; debate on flag


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