Saturday, December 26, 2015

Game Shop Steam accidentally leaked private information –

It noted several Steam users. By the issue were user names, addresses, purchase history, and the last digits of credit cards of other people shown when visiting the Steam website.

Steam was taken offline after the problems played within an hour. The digital store was accessible again when the problems were solved.


Valve, the company behind Steam, set in an e-mail to gaming sites that it was a caching issue. Some pages in the Steam-store are placed in a so-called cache, so that not for every user there is a completely new page needs to be generated.

The game platform unintentionally made also cache pages for secure areas, such as the page account information. Users will accidentally got to see the pages of others.

Valve thinks users could see other people’s account information only. It would not have been possible to perform unauthorized actions such as buying games with other people’s accounts.


The problems played during one of The busiest times for Steam. Once find the Steam Winter Sale site, a sales campaign with games offered cheaper.

Steam is one of the largest digital stores for PC games. There are more than 6400 games available through the platform



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