Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dutch privacy organizations threatening Facebook with lawsuit – NU.nl

In a letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg pity include Bits of Freedom and Privacy First the fact that the company had not interfered in the discussion about the abolished Safe Harbor treaty between the US and the EU.

In that dates treaty made the regional arrangements for the storage of personal data in their respective territories. Through the Safe Harbor treaty could companies like Facebook, Google and Twitter among store certain conditions data of Europeans in the US.

However, the European Court of Justice recently concluded that the treaty is invalid, partly because the US insufficient protection for European personal data. The EU and US are currently at the table to draw up a new treaty.

Meanwhile, Facebook goes further saving of European personal data on servers in the US The company relies therefore on standard contracts, which according to the authors of the letter also no longer valid.


“As long as there is no adequate protection in the US, is transmission in clear violation of EU privacy law “, says chairman Bas Filippini Privacy First.

” We invite Facebook to participate in public in a meaningful and transparent dialogue with aiming to find a solution, “the letter says that Facebook set a deadline of January 15, 2016 to find a good solution.

If that fails, the groups say an interlocutory procedures Start to ensure that Facebook data transfers to the US will stop completely. The requirement also applies to the subsidiary services Instagram and Whatsapp.

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Facebook late In a reaction that the company “same mechanisms as thousands of other companies in the EU” used to “provide lawful” data.

“We believe that a new Safe Harbor Agreement with adequate and appropriate guarantees European citizens is the best solution for the situation, “said a Facebook spokesperson.

The social network says confidence hebbendat negotiations on a new treaty by the authorities of the EU and the US will lead to a solution .


The Austrian law student Max Schrems claims in multiple proceedings against Facebook that the company protects user privacy better, and that the data transmission is stopped to the US . By one of the complaints of Schrems the European Court reached its verdict on the Safe Harbor agreement

By:. NU.nl


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