Thursday, December 10, 2015

Location historic battle Caesar discovered in Limburg – PZC

Archaeologists from the VU University Amsterdam (VU) in the Brabant Kessel discovered the spot where the Roman general Julius Caesar two Germanic tribes butchered in a grand battle. Which took place in 55 BC.

That the university announced Wednesday. The ‘historical’ battle was covered in detail in his book De Bello Gallico, but the location was still unknown. It is the first time that the presence of Caesar on Dutch territory is shown.

The researchers discovered the place several swords and bones supposedly killed soldiers. They also found spearheads and a helmet. A press conference on the discovery following Thursday, where some of the items found will be displayed.

The story goes that the two Germanic peoples had surrendered himself and Caesar asked for asylum. The legendary statesman refused this request and gave his troops permission to slaughter the tribes. ,, Today we qualify such action as genocide, ” says the university.


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