Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Spotted on Mars: there is now a “spaceship”? – The last news

Edited by: Editorial
08/25/15 – 11u24 Source: AD.nl

Martians really exist. At least, UFO hunter Scott C. Waring doubt since he no longer believes a spaceship yesterday to have spotted a photograph forwarded Mars explorer Curiosity.

How is it that we sometimes recognize people or faces in everyday objects? The reason for this psychological phenomenon called pareidolia, is probably in the brains need to establish links between data, even if they are not really there. Particular priority must be given to the recognition of patterns that might indicate danger, like the silhouette of a predator.

Well-known examples of pareidolia are seeing faces or animals in the clouds or seeing the man in the moon.

The examination was formerly used by the now obsolete Rorschach test, in which someone sees recognizable patterns in randomly shaped ink stains.

Waring of ufosightingsdaily.com website estimates that the vessel has a diameter of 2.5 to 3 meters. Based on his experience, he suspects that the ship offers space for twenty to forty aliens.

There is only one photograph of the spacecraft, but Waring expects more to come. “Curiosity usually makes many pictures of each area, maybe he makes more.”

Probably it is a rock formation. Explain why they are recognized in a spacecraft may be explained by the psychological phenomenon pareidolia, with an illusion or vague perception is interpreted by the brain as a distinct shape (see box).

Star Wars

© Lucasfilm & amp; 20th Century Fox.

Some see the object the Star Destroyer from Star Wars.

A few weeks kept ago the probable discovery of a busty woman with umbrella on Mars tempers still churning.


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