Thursday, March 31, 2016

‘Hobbits existed thousands of years ago were exterminated by man’ – Focus on News

Who does not know? Frodo Baggins, the hobbit Peregrin Took clumsy, Merry and Samwise. The hobbitts from the books of J.R.R. Tolkien and the films of Peter Jackson. For those who think that hobbits are just a fantasy, they’re not. Some 50,000 years ago, they lived really. Possibly the person has contributed to that they tegenwooridg no more. The last Gay floresiensis (aka the hobbit) would be about 50,000 since his last breath has blown and possibly at the hands of humans.

This claim scientists in the journal Nature, reports In 2003 it was discovered that there ever Hobbits or officially Gay floresiensis existed. In a cave on the Indonesian island of Flores were bones of pygmy people found. The Gay floresiensis was a very small man like he was about one meter high. He had a small head, about a third of the size of our head and a weight of 25 kilos. The hobbit used stone weapons, presumably to hunt dwarf elephants.

It was initially unclear whether this is still unknown species a us went or that it was an ‘ordinary’ modern man, with growth retardation . Most researchers assume nowadays that the Gay floresiensis is really a separate species. Going further examination of the bones found showed that the bones of the hobbits are not 12,000 years only about 50,000 years old. That has not been proven that mankind has eradicated the hobbits, although there have been Gay sapiens were present in the same period on the adjacent islands

Researcher Maxime Aubert:. “The science is clear. The youngest Hobbit remains are 60,000 years old, but their youngest simple stone tools are approximately 50,000 years old. After that there are no traces of finding these hominids. The conclusion is clear: not 11,000 to 13,000 years, 50,000 years ago but died Gay floresiensis out. According to Aubert gives a different perspective on the matter. Aubert: “It does actually seem that Gay floresiensis shortly after our species arrived on Flores disappeared, suggesting that our species caused their extinction” How it was exactly, remains conjecture.. Possibly the hobbits fell the same fate as part as the Neanderthals in Europe: they compete with modern people could not and were replaced within a few thousand years by which modern humans



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