Monday, November 28, 2016

Hundreds of additional beds for the cold-reception –

    Especially the big cities clean up extra capacity for homeless persons in the coming cold nights to catch. So provided the Salvation Army 200 beds to Amsterdam and 195 to Rotterdam. But also in the province of Flevoland and Overijssel and was called to the aid done.

    In smaller places, the additional beds in existing locations dropped. In large cities such as Amsterdam and Rotterdam, go there specially for the kouderegeling separate locations open.

    Extra care announced

    The four major cities, the extra care of the homeless in connection with the approaching cold weather on Friday. In Amsterdam the winteropvang this a few days earlier to open than planned. Normally would care, regardless of the temperature, from 1 december to 1 april. The three other cities have this ongoing winteropvang not.

    The winterkouderegeling applies if outside of this period bevriezingsgevaar threatens. The municipal health service in Amsterdam, Utrecht, Rotterdam and The Hague were to decide collectively if it is too cold to sleep outside.

    Differences per municipality

    It depends on the municipality where the additional beds from being achieved. So get to Utrecht, but some of the beds of the Salvation Army. “But this town works in that area, together with other organization beds supplies”, according to a spokeswoman for the Salvation Army.

    Coldest herfstnacht since 1998

    Weeronline provides that in the night of Monday to Tuesday the coldest herfstnacht since 1998. This should be in The Bilt a temperature of six degrees below zero to be measured. Around 23.30 were the temperatures in the Netherlands range from slightly above freezing in places on the coast to -4,6, Zwolle and Groningen.


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