Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Webby Awards include Spotify and Vice – NU.nl

Vice won, among other prizes for reporting on refugees in Berlin, on military robots and cloning mammoths. Spotify includes the best design. Also, National Geographic, The New York Times, TED conference series, Google and pay channel HBO received prizes.

Some prices had a link with the upcoming US presidential election. The best political blog FactCheck.org that looks or claims of knocking candidates. Won the site Avoid Trump. Caring for each city, a list of places where people are the least likely to walk Donald Trump bump.

Black Lives Matter, the civil protest against police action against black Americans, was awarded a prize as a social movement.


datingapp Tinder, presenter Jimmy Kimmel, Netflix, NASA, YouTube, House of Cards and Game of Thrones won prizes. Satirical news website The Onion received a lifetime achievement award. Barcelona’s Neymar has the best sports site.

The best news is the intercept, a project of Glenn Greenwald, the reporter who whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed the US bugging.

A professional jury, with among others the internet pioneer Vint Cerf, the Awards awarded. In addition, more than two million votes were cast for public prices. The ceremony itself is on May 16. The Webby Awards are known winners have to limit their acceptance speech to five words

By:. ANP


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