Sunday, January 1, 2017

Trump calls on Americans to important messages not e-mail –

It is according to Trump only possible outside of the internet to send anything, if people want to make sure that no one meeleest. He said that Saturday against journalists, reports The Hill.

“It makes me nothing from what they say. No computer is safe”, said Trump. “I have a boy of 10 years who can do everything with a computer. If you have something which you want that it is not detected: write it down and send it with a courier.”

The future president also spoke about cybersecurity in the United States. Trump emphasized that there is not too fast with the finger to Russia must be mentioned because of the hacking of the e-mail system of the board of the Democratic Party, just before the elections last year.


“I want them to be confident, because it is a pretty serious allegation,” said Trump, according to The Guardian. “And if you look at the weapons of mass destruction was a disaster. They were wrong.”

Thus, he refers again to the invasion of Iraq by the united states in 2003. Important reason for this was the belief of the American authorities that Saddam Hussein could use weapons of mass destruction. That turned out not to be the case.


“It is unfair if we don’t know. It can also be someone else. I also know things that other people do not know, so we can’t be sure,” said Trump, without about that in detail.

The American secret services agree that it is very likely that Russian hackers behind the attack are sitting, probably, they received the support of the state. President Barack Obama decided on a 35 Russian diplomats from the U.S. to convert.



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