Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Hard drive alleged blackmailer of Amanda not yet cracked – NOS

Justice has great difficulty in making the secure hard drive of Aydin C. to crack. The Dutchman would be dozens of girls from all over the world via the internet, you have blackmailed to types of xxx sex videos. The most famous of them is Amanda Todd, a Canadian teenager who in 2012 committed suicide. Today, after much delay, in Amsterdam, the lawsuit against Aydin C. started.

TO suspect that there is a lot of evidence on the hard disk, which after three years has still not been cracked. The lawyer of C. says that the disc is not of him, but of a friend.

All together, C. suspected of 72 different facts, including the making, having and distributing child pornography from a total of 34 minors. He is also suspected of defrauding and blackmailing of 5 men from Great Britain and Australia. The dossier of the ORDER consists of more than 25,000 pages. The blackmailing of Amanda Todd is at the seat of today are not discussed. Canada wants to C. this trial and his extradition requested.

From Canada to Tilburg

In 2012, the 15-year-old Amanda Todd posthumously known worldwide. She commits suicide after years and years of being digitally harassed by a stranger. The offender gets a blootfoto of her hands, which the girl is being blackmailed. Although Todd and her parents multiple times to move, know the perpetrator, its time to find. Each distribute, he the photo with her new classmates and friends.

he does That with many more victims. In his browser he has special folders, which means they can contact with their friends. “I have the photo up to 280 people sent. I hope you enjoy this nightmare”, says the offender at Amanda through a chat program.

Amanda is in therapy and will place an emergency call on YouTube, after they themselves have corrupted. Amanda Todd complains about severe depression and robs himself in the end of life.

The Canadian police set a research. The offender is also evident in other countries of the victims. For example, a 14-year-old girl in Norway. He makes it clear that he is the victim no rest will allow. “This is for the rest of your life,” writes one “Tyler C” in the chat. The identity of the perpetrator remains unknown.

The Norwegian police reduces the track to an ip address in a Dutch holiday park, but the Dutch police let the tip lie. A year later the case to the reels as the police, the 38-year-old Aydin C. in Tilburg, picked up as a suspect in a oplichtingszaak. For that matter, the police tapprogramma on his computer, with which all the keystrokes of his computer.


If you encounter the police on calls from C. in the chat program Habbo Hotel. In five minutes he approaches more than seventy young girls. On the computer C. also credentials of 86 other profiles and mail accounts.

Eventually, the Norwegian tip about the park to bid. C. appears to be a bungalow on the same park and to rent using the wi-fi connection from the neighbors to access the internet.


The case against C. is accompanied with many obstacles and delays. His lawyers say that the use of the tapprogramma was not allowed. This would be a large part of the evidence gathered unlawfully obtained. C. changes two times of lawyer, the thing slows down.

Itself denies C. something to do with the case. At the beginning of the session, he said that he will say: “I have extended with my lawyer spoke and he will during the court proceedings things on behalf of me to say, if that is necessary.”

In total there are eight court days scheduled. The latest on the 15th of February.


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