Monday, January 23, 2017

What was wrong with the Galaxy Note 7 – always in a hurry is seldom well – Tweakers

Samsung has a lot of technical explanation is given about the battery problems of the Note 7. That is commendable, but there remain some important questions out of the picture. We know now how it is that the Note 7 flame took hold, but we do not know how it is that the design flaw in the battery of Samsung SDI is to sit there and how is it that ATL batteries with manufacturing defects supplied.

Would be really nobody at Samsung SDI have seen that the batteries, piece by piece, in a different way? Has no one in ATL found that some batteries, for example, insulating tape was missing? And what factors have contributed to the two acculeveranciers Samsung error could go within a short time, with the same phone? Why Samsung has tried everything to save and has not previously decided to put the production and sale of the Note 7 to cease?

There is an incredible amount of pressure on smartphonefabrikanten. A delay of a few weeks or a month immediately leads to lower sales, while safer batteries will not lead immediately to higher sales. It is easy to opt for advantage in the short term, especially when it often goes well. But if it goes wrong, it goes properly wrong, as with the Note 7.

Lithium-ion batteries contain necessarily flammable materials and without thinking we stop technology in a location close to our body. The debacle around the Note 7 consumers aware of. Despite the seriousness of the risks, the potential for problems, however small. Even though Note 7 relatively often flame took hold, is still a very small percentage of the total number of Note 7. Stronger still: it comes with phones also error in the publicity. One in so many million batteries have problems, but that is something to which we daily dwell. It is as struck by lightning or win the lottery; the chance is incredibly small, but it is happening.

Now is the safety of batteries as an important theme, but the focus on this is probably not permanent. The public and the telecom industry have neither a olifantengeheugen. The pressure to have smartphones on time to deliver remains high and therefore a risk of something going wrong. That given changes provisionally nothing.

The chance that the Note 7 is substantially and permanently alter the way of working in the telecom industry seems to be not so great. The risk of ontvlammende batteries for the competition, which is less smartphones sell, smaller. The chance of discovery, the damage and the attention sure, would all be less if these problems were encountered with another manufacturer.

In each case, the Note 7, the museum of the telecom industry in as a permanent reminder that, no matter how good companies mass production also have mastered, there will always be errors can and will occur, and sometimes with great consequences.


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