Monday, November 10, 2014

Wrong launched satellite gets help – Yahoo! News

Since August run two navigation satellites in the wrong orbit around the earth. One of the two must be helped thanks to some maneuvers in the good job.

In the summer were launched two European Galileo navigation satellites by the European Space Agency (ESA). It soon became clear that they were flying in an oval orbit, rather than a circular orbit. This satellite was sometimes too high, but usually much too low. The error was made in the production of the satellite by a Russian company

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Now they want one the two satellites to create fifteen maneuvers, directed from Germany, to bring the unit to 17,000 km altitude still in a circular orbit. This is much lower than was intended. But the satellite has enough fuel to get higher.

Although the satellite rotates slower than desired, after the maneuvers he can better signals to eg GPS on mobile phones.

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The second satellite will remain in the oval track run. Until November 3 were both satellites towards the sun. One of the satellites turned towards the earth, so a correction was possible.

RTL Z Future Makers / ANP


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