Friday, November 21, 2014

ESA converts sound landing on Comet online – Focus on News

The instrument, SESAM-CASSE that the sound clip recorded again during the descent and recorded clearly the first touchdown of Philae when he made the first contact with the comet, in the form of vibrations were observed in the undercarriage of the lander

Klaus Seidensticker of the DLR Institute of Planetary Research:. “Our data from the first touchdown show that the landing gear of Philae first soft top layer, probably dust several inches thick penetrated and then hit a few milliseconds later, a hard surface that probably consists of a sintered ice layer of dust. “

Water ice

Data from the SESAM-DIM instrument suggest that the current comet activity on the final landing layer while the preliminary data of SESAM-PP consistently a large amount of water ice under the lander show.

Link to audio clip

The sound is heard through this link


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