Sunday, November 16, 2014

Google Glass looks at death – The Latest News

Arno Van Hauwermeiren
11/16/14 – 14u51 Source:
Sergey Brin, when he was still with the Google Glass publicly appeared © Reuters.

Eighteen months ago, Google CEO Eric Schmidt that the Google Glass a “strange thing” and that “there are places where the Google Glass can be “very inappropriate. Was that statement a sign on the wall?

Is the Google Glass same fate as the segway? suffer the ©

While the gadget was considered a few years ago as revolutionary, it seems now dying . Several Google techies who take the glasses developed, have now dropped out. Some consider the Google Glass even if the new ‘segway’, once considered ‘game changer’, but ultimately only be used by security guards.

Reuters News Agency took the acid test and contacted 16 app developers who were working on apps for Google Glass. As many as nine of them have their Glass projects have meanwhile boating. Three major Google developers Moreover leave the Glass team.

Even co-founder of Google, Sergey Brin, who normally always appears with the gadget on his nose on the red carpet, the last time without Glass spotted. The future does not look so bright for the gadget. However,

Google claims that the glasses will come on the market, though the launch delayed until 2015. Also show fast-food multinationals like Taco Bell and Kentucky Fried Chicken interest in the Glass.

The Google Glass may well be dying after his death, perhaps blowing fast food chains in the gadget live again. Otherwise its security officers on their segway perfectly well what to do.


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