Monday, November 24, 2014

“Privacy College is toothless watchdog –


The Data Protection Authority (CBP) may soon often handing a penalty to violators of privacy rules, but doubts that this greater power in practice works. The college puts questioned the bill and is not afraid soon quickly and effectively act against gross violations of privacy laws


The plan Secretary Fred Teeven (Security and Justice) and Minister Ronald Plasterk (Interior) Monday offered to parliament was already included in the coalition agreement. But the fear of arbitrariness in the imposition of fines.

According to D66 in the House seems like CBP gets more powers, but packed in practice probably very different. “The powers are fully curtailed because the government wants to give binding instructions before the Board may impose a penalty,” said MP Gerard Schouw. “This creates a toothless privacy watchdog fined only can if Mr Opstelten and Teeven suits.”

“This bill does not lead to better compliance with the Data Protection Act,” said CBP chairman Jacob Kohnstamm . “The cry of society is a watchdog with teeth. Now we are placed toothless restricted enabling companies and organizations will not feel the pressure to comply with the law. “

The CBP, which in the future will be called personally Authority may soon hand out fines as personal not be treated in a proper and careful manner or be kept longer than is necessary. Swinging on the coupon as well as the security is not good, the management of personal information is poorly organized or sensitive information about citizens, such as their political affiliation or belief, has been abused. The fines can be up to 810,000 euros in the worst case




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