Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Soft landing on peanut rock –

Darmstadt –

Today, an attempt is made for the first time in history to make a soft landing on a comet

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Around half ten, the European spacecraft Philae separation from his mother Rosetta, which is 20 km altitude to the comet Churyumov-Gerashimenko running. Philae must Seven hours later (around five o’clock this afternoon) to reach the comet.

The risk that the landing failed, is estimated at 25 percent. Is only in the last few months it has become clear what the destination looks like. The site, at the head of the peanut-shaped comet, is extremely rough and the lander could easily topple

The gravity of the comet is so that the lander can rebound low and again wandering:. The weight of the lander on Earth 100 pounds, but two harpoons must be less than 10 grams.

Therefore, immediately after landing shot into the ground at the comet to anchor Philae. Be the first images of the landscape within an hour then expected. If the landing is a success, the European ESA something succeeded where other space powers have never even started. The leadership of the landing operation in the operations center in Darmstadt is owned by the Dutch astronomer Fred Johnson




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