Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Stable jailbreak for iOS 8 and iOS 8.1 released – Tech News

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The Chinese hacker group Pangu has a new and most stable version of iOS 8 which works on an Apple computer released. The jailbreak was a long time for Windows but is now also available for the Apple platform.

 iOS-8 jailbreak

According to Pangu the jailbreak works with any equipment that is suitable for iOS 8. The Cydia application now operating under the new iOS 8 and iOS 8.1 platform. The store According to the developer of Cydia lot also updated with new applications that are available for the new iOS 8 platform.

Previously it was only possible to jailbreak a device with Windows. The Mac version can be downloaded from A list of recently by the jailbreak community also tracked by what tweaks for iOS 8 and iOS 8.1. Are According to Jay Freeman is the jailbreak stable enough to use every day now.

However, the jailbreak for iOS 8 and iOS 8.1 less than the previous versions, popular this is mainly because the most functionality without jailbreak possible are, for example, including additional widgets. However, one of the developers indicated that exploits which are used in the jailbreak patched in iOS 8.1.1



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