Wednesday, November 19, 2014

This does what juices with your body –

Are you hours each day hunched over your phone and have your load of neck and back pain? New research shows that there is a connection between those two


 Photo: Reuters

American scientists show that a curved ‘whatsapp attitude “unnecessary pressures on the neck. This in turn leads to a sore back, because bending the neck causes increased pressure on the spine.


Bend your head at an angle of 60 degrees, already creates a pressure of 27 pounds on the spine. The tilting of the head by 45 degrees leads to a pressure of 22 pounds. A 30 degree angle is equal to 18 pounds of pressure and an angle of 15 degrees to 12 pounds of extra load.

This extra pressure on the neck leads according to researcher Kenneth Hansraj to premature wear and will eventually be even surgery may be needed to resolve symptoms resulting

Hansraj:. everyone should “Although it is almost impossible at this time to avoid the causes of this problem, tablets and phones, still make an effort in watch the right attitude on these devices. “

The study is published in the upcoming issue of the journal Surgical Technology International.

Earlier studies mated a poor posture already a number of health problems including back pain, weight gain, constipation, heartburn, migraines and respiratory problems




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