Friday, November 28, 2014

Comet Lander Philae anyway sleeps until March – Bright

Philae may be led in March 2015, because it approaches the sun. Scientists confirm that.

Scientists from the European Space Agency have “good hope” that awakens comet lander Philae a few months back. The lander is currently on comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko, but the battery is empty and he gets just one hour of sunlight per day. After carrying out measurements and transmit the data he went soon after his landing in a coma.


The team working on Philae and Rosetta said during an AMA on Reddit that the lander will soon get more sunlight and heat to come back to life. “We hope to generate enough energy to tinker Philae around March next year. First the lander should be warm (it was -70 degrees Celsius on the comet) before we can charge the battery.”


attention was also paid to the surprising discoveries of Philae. So the scientists had thought that the surface of the comet ‘a lot softer “than the harsh land where Philae landed on, or rather bounced. Meanwhile, it is still unknown where exactly the lander. After landing was Philae lose them. Space probe Rosetta is closer to the comet to make pictures that the lander must be found.

Important mission

Finally explained comet scientist Horst Uwe Keller yet once that this mission is important. “A sample of the comet will teach us a lot about how our solar system ever created.”


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