Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Google begins testing installatieloze Android Instant Apps – It

Google has teamed up with a number of partners, the first test of the installatieloze Android Instant Apps. That are Android apps that are not on a smartphone or tablet installed need to be but that will be streamed to the user’s device. Google is working with a number of partners to this test, these include BuzzFeed, Periscope, Viki and Wish.

Google has started testing Android Instant Apps. The partners of Google all have apps designed for Android’s Instant Apps, making the app content on a smartphone can be streamed, without the user of the app need to install. If the test is successful, Google will proceed to the next step, namely, the released the SDK that allows developers Instant Apps can develop.

the biggest problem of mobile apps is that businesses and publishers a lot of money to spend to convince users install the app, and app then but sporadically used. By making use of Instant Apps, web pages can be easily opened in an Instant App, making the mobile experience of the user is a lot better. However, the Instant Apps in terms of functionality what more limited than a full app, but is likely to solve the users to have the full Android app to install.

According to Google, interest in Instant Apps large, thousands of developers would already have made it known they at the techgigant to Instant Apps want to support. To do this, the developers their apps are now going to divide, so that Google small portions that could be like streaming to the end user. A Instant App is, as it were, a part of the existing Android app.

Google has presented the Instant Apps already mid last year, but it took a while before the feature is also available, so for now only a first test. Later this year, should the Instant Apps widely available. Google especially sees possibilities for apps, such as ticket machines and other apps that you only briefly used. The apps is only in the cache of the device is stored and not permanently installed. The Instant apps work since Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, and so on almost all Android devices, this feature will soon be supported.


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