Monday, April 11, 2016

Two new Android smartphones BlackBerry coming – GSM Helpdesk Netherlands

The release of the BlackBerry Priv, the first BlackBerry smartphone that runs on the Android operating system, was a tactical move. BlackBerry CEO John Chen has end announced last year that the smartphone branch of BlackBerry for one year would be given time to prove themselves.

To leave nothing to chance, BlackBerry with BlackBerry Priv her best and most comprehensive smartphone ever released. The BlackBerry Priv can compete without a doubt the top smartphones of the moment. Unfortunately, BlackBerry CEO John Chen now admits not take into account one detail to have: its price

BlackBerry Priv is phenomenal but too expensive

BlackBerry. priv is currently in the Netherlands and many other countries over the counter for sales of around 750 euros. In today’s competitive smartphone market, this is too much to be able to sell large numbers of the device. This gives again unable to reach the BlackBerry Priv which wanted to achieve BlackBerry happy and is again shrunk the number of sold BlackBerry smartphones in the last quarter.

Two new midrange smartphones

to further make one attempt yet again to achieve sales growth in smartphone, BlackBerry later this year will come with two so-called “middle class smartphones, handsets with sales between roughly 250 and 500 euros. These two devices will both run on the Android operating system. Moreover, Chen let already hinted that one of the two devices will feature a touchscreen and other devices have to have a physical QWERTY keyboard.

When the devices are going to be presented, how the devices will look like and which specifications have smartphones, Chen has not yet been announced.


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