Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Police prepares for King’s Amsterdam – Focus on News

At events like King’s are often more active pickpockets. Although the past two years has seen a turnaround, the number of incidents pickpocketing remain high. In 2013, there are King’s (also Troon Exchange in Amsterdam) recorded 696 incidents pickpocketing. were in 2014 and 2015, 380 and 363. To pickpockets to a halt, there is additional and non-striking police officers on the streets, respectively. Last week visited some notorious pickpockets in Amsterdam. They were monitored and warned: “We know that you have previously been convicted of pickpocketing and will be therefore King’s additional monitor.

Install tracking app

police Koningsdagbezoekers recommends to leave valuables at home and phone and money for storage. Make sure there is a tracking app on your phone and remember the credentials of this app. Users who are still rolled should call 112. There are additional detectives employed for stolen phones and suspects using the following apps directly to detect. During LGBT Pride 2015, police found seven stolen phones to a suspect who was traced through a tracking app.

Nuisance addressed

There is also attention to excesses. “Revelers’ who commit vandalism, aggressive or cause excessive inconvenience, will be addressed. King’s so everyone can remain a party.

The water is also additional supervision to prevent nuisance. The water police focuses among others on control of skippers, the presence of excessive amounts of alcohol and amplifiers. Boaters may have an alcohol content of up to 0.5 per mille. Passengers may – just like people in the country -. Not more than 1 pcs alcohol with them


Whether it tomorrow, given the weather forecasts, as pressure in Amsterdam previous years remains to be seen. More people will this year celebrate King’s Day for the tube as it is expected.


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