The successors to the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus get a full glass design and a new amoledscherm. So do log analyst Ming-Chi Kuo in a recent report.

 iPhone 7

According to the analyst, the new design would not appear in the iPhone 7, but in the sequel 2016. it is not the first time that Apple will use a glass design, previously led the company for two smartphones on the market with a glass back.

Apple wants to restore the distinctive iPhone in respect of the smartphones from the competition. Because each manufacturer nowadays aluminum used is glass again “exclusively” for a smartphone and displays the iPhone, a sleek and modern look.

According to Kuo gets the iPhone next year a major makeover and will aluminum design replacing glass design, compared to the iPhone 4. in addition to the glass enclosure iPhone also has access to an AMOLED display, it is thinner and lighter compared to the current screen of the iPhone 6S.

this is remarkable, because this would mean that the iPhone 7 will be similar for the most part with the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S in design. The external changes never happen at an S copy. It is likely that the iPhone 7 already would have the new design, making the iPhone 7S will be used as a solid hardware upgrade
