Thursday, April 14, 2016

“No useful information found on cracked iPhone terrorist” –

That says a source in the investigative agencies Thursday against CBS News . The source stressed that currently runs the investigation into the phone.

Last month, did the FBI iPhone 5c Syed Rizwan Farook, one of the gunmen fourteen people in San Bernardino to unlock spent life. Previously asked the FBI to cooperate Apple in cracking the phone, but the company refused to cooperate.


It is not known what method used by the FBI to the telephone hacking and h et seems unlikely that this method will be shared with Apple.

Recently, the US has regulation on reporting serious vulnerabilities mandates in software, but sources within the Obama administration said Thursday at Reuters leaks that are detected by these companies are excluded.

it is possible that the iPhone leak discovered by the Israeli firm Cellebrite that a leak would not have to report to Apple. Wednesday reported sources in the Washington Post had sold an independent group of hackers leak to the FBI. It is unclear whether that group is registered as a company.

The FBI said earlier that the leak can not be used in the iPhone 5c to crack newer iPhones, such as the 6s. In various lawsuits, the FBI still trying Apple’s cooperation in enforcing the reading of iPhones



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