Tuesday, April 26, 2016

‘Internet Oscars’ for Spotify and Vice – Metronieuws.nl

Media Company and Vice streaming service Spotify has become the big winners of the Webby Awards, the ‘Internet Oscars’. They each received thirteen prizes. National Geographic won ten awards, The New York Times TED eight and seven.

The award for ‘social movement’ goes to #BlackLivesMatter, a protest against police violence against black Americans. Satirical news website The Onion received a lifetime achievement award. Barcelona Player Neymar has the best sports site. The best news is the intercept, a project of Glenn Greenwald, the reporter who whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed the US bugging.

Datingapp Tinder received a prize for the best user experience. Even Netflix, NASA, Google, HBO, YouTube, House of Cards and Game of Thrones received prizes.

Jimmy Kimmel

Host Jimmy Kimmel got, like last year, a Webby for its appeal to viewers to convince children that their halloween candy has been eaten.


a jury, among others internet pioneer Vint Cerf, the prizes awarded. More than two million votes were cast for the public prices. The ceremony itself is on May 16. The acceptance speech of the winners may consist of only five words.


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