Thursday, April 21, 2016

Facebook Messenger group discussion soon a fact –

A Facebook Messenger group discussion with 50 different people is a fact within 24 hours. With the next Facebook Messenger update you can call at the same time 50 people.

Whether it is desirable to let still recommended at this time to go to a group of 50 people. David Marcus, vice president of Facebook Messenger, announced via his Facebook page which allows for Facebook Messenger conference call within 24 hours. According to Tech Crunch website would be 50 people at a time. It could be a solution for companies who often commit conference calls.

At first there was some confusion about the number of participants in a Facebook Messenger group discussion. Facebook namely claimed that there is no limit to the number of people who can participate in a Facebook Messenger group discussion. This would have to mean that you can simultaneously use users with millions of Facebook of Facebook Messenger group discussion.

Meanwhile, Facebook has the ruling pulled back and let them know that there is a maximum of 50 participants per Facebook Messenger group discussion .

as mentioned, the maximum number of users likely so high that companies are also attracted to the service. Bubbles and bubbles had for some time as possible with Facebook messenger, but now it is also possible with more than two people at once.

When the update is going to be exactly rolled out is not entirely clear yet, but Facebook itself indicating that the update within 24 hours for both Android and iOS will be available. If you are interested in to make a Facebook Messenger group conversation, you can keep an eye on the appstore and the best play store.


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