Friday, April 15, 2016

Apple changes App Store search – PC

Apple’s App Store is going to change considerably on the iPhone and iPad. In particular, the search system is overhauled, making it easier to find apps.

So says the website Bloomberg citing sources inside Apple.

Small number of apps

According to the sources, it is currently difficult to to find appropriate applications by the large amount of apps that are in the store. There are now more than 1.5 million apps in the App Store, of which only a small portion actually downloaded.

More prominent in pictures

Apple would consider changing the search mechanism , but also to customize the list display of apps. The company also wants developers to pay to take a more prominent place.

Poor visible

Developers have been complaining more about the poor visibility of apps. Applications in Apple ‘stand Uitgelicht’ section or in the list of the downloaded many’ appear to be significantly more often downloaded by users. Applications that are newly able to win but with difficulty in popularity.


That Apple is looking for new revenue for the App Store is not strange. The company now earns a lot of applications, because 30% of all proceeds will sell and in-app purchases. Therefore, some applications and expensive subscriptions on iOS than on Android for example

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