Wednesday, February 8, 2017

How big is the datahooiberg of the AIVD? – NOS

The new ‘aftapwet’, in which the Second Chamber today debating, let the secret services large amounts of data from citizens for far too long to save, say critics. The past year and a half, there was much criticism of the new law. The most attention was paid to the powers of the secret service it gets: that may soon be on a much larger scale blowdown.

Less attention was paid to the question of what happens with all the data that the secret service will collect. “We have also paid attention trying to get, but that is not yet well managed,” says Hilde Bos-Ollermann of the Commission Overseeing the Security services (CTIVD). “It might also be a technical subject.”

According to the bill having data, including personal and private information of innocent citizens, only after three years be removed also as they are not essential for a research. According to the supervisor, that time will be much shorter and should data be immediately deleted if it appears that they are not necessary.

At this moment the secret services, but one internet connection at a time, draining. But if the government is allowed to them in the future large amounts of traffic at one time and draining search. In the Second Room there is a majority for the plan, wrote Tuesday.

“We’re against this new power,” says David Korteweg of burgerrechtenorganisatie Bit of Freedom. “But if you still enter, we want that information not to be long kept.” A more reasonable term would be a year, he thinks. “Or as short as possible.”


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