Monday, December 19, 2016

Privacy watch dog is behind plan AIVD to WhatsApp to crack –

Privacy is First to find the legitimate when intelligence messages to decrypt if there are lives at stake. “Then, things like the privacy as not important”, says managing director Vincent “Böhre” against The Telegraph.

But also the companies behind apps like WhatsApp and Telegram have a responsibility, says “Böhre”. “It should not be such that the 'decoding' of an individual, the whole system exposed. They have to manage so that in the individual cases can be cracked, so not everyone becomes a victim.”

However, stresses the “Böhre” that encryption and privacy are important. “But I want to emphasize that we continue to be 100 percent strong make for good encryption and encryption. About that no doubt.”

Saturday came out that the intelligence service AIVD on the instructions of the NCTV try the encryption of berichtenapps as WhatsApp and Telegram to crack in order to get better insight on terrorism.



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