Monday, December 12, 2016

Minister Schultz wants phone calls on the bike, prohibit –

That confirms the ministry on Monday after news of the AD. Currently, phone calls on the bike are allowed. In the car it is forbidden to use a phone to hold.

Last year, Schultz was still at the Second Room that call and text on the bike would be prohibited. Such a ban would be difficult to maintain. Earlier this year, she decided a ban, still to investigate.


In a letter to parliament writes Schultz now that they are “experts” the question has been submitted, or a prohibition, is possible. The experts concluded that the operation of a touch screen is the biggest risk. Therefore Schultz is also the use of a smartphone in a holder on the handlebar prohibit.

The ministry calculated in 2014 that 9 percent of the bicycle accidents a smartphone is involved. Among young people 12 to 34 years would that percentage is even twice as high. So far as known, there are no newer figures are available.


It is not yet known how high the fine will be for people that the ban violated. First, additional research into the consequences of smartphonegebruik on the bike.

you may Also want Schultz an evaluation of the information campaigns around the safety of cyclists to wait and see. The research and evaluation are, according to her, the need for a ban to be able to substantiate.


figures From the CBS show Monday that the number of deaths after fietsongelukken stable. In 2015 were 185 cyclists in the traffic, about equal to the number of previous years. In the past five years was 40 percent of the victims older than 75 years.

The total number of serious verkeersgewonden came in the year 2015 on 21.300, writes Schultz. That is an increase of 600 compared to 2014.

According to the minister, there is already since 2007, there was an increase, with a break in 2012/2013. The minister mentions it in her letter ‘unacceptable’ that there are forty deaths in places where up to thirty miles per hour can be driven.

Schultz wants therefore, next time give priority to a strategic plan to the number of accidents to a minimum. In particular, cyclists and the elderly are a vulnerable group.



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