Friday, December 5, 2014

Orion space capsule lands in the Pacific Ocean –

Reported space agency NASA.

“Here is your new spacecraft America,” said leader of the space mission when Rob Navias Orion hit the water.

Orion was Friday around 13:00 (Dutch time) launched from the US space base Cape Canaveral in Florida and flew four hours and 24 minutes at 5800 km altitude above the Earth.

After that landed the capsule using three parachutes in the Pacific Ocean west of Mexico.

NASA called the space trip “the best they could imagine.”

The capsule had Thursday all air to go in, but when the launch was postponed due to technical problems and bad weather. Friday, everything seemed to sit, and the launch went smoothly

Live:. The landing Orion

Live: landing Orion

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Test Flight

Orion announced on Friday a first test flight. Which is designed to test the main on-board systems. Designers can see where any adjustments are necessary.

In 2017 or 2018 is the next test flight. The Orion must eventually bring people to the moon and to Mars. Astronauts will no earlier than 2021 in the Orion fly along.

One of the main test points, the heat shield of the capsule. The feasibility that shield temperatures above 4,000 degrees Celsius and can withstand the high speed capsule returns to the atmosphere. Sensors to measure the radiation in the capsule

By:. NOW. en / ANP


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