Saturday, December 6, 2014

100 leaders advocate asteroids action – Look

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A large impressive list names have signed a declaration calling for a hundredfold boost in the search for dangerous asteroids

float quite a few boulders around in the solar system -. and one of them would just once can touch the earth, with all its consequences. To reduce that risk to cope, the 100x Asteroid Declaration was drawn up. This statement suggests that we must use current technology to maximize Near Earth Asteroids (NEA’s) to monitor, and finding and tracking asteroids in the next ten years by a factor of improving hundred. It is also intended that June 30 ‘Wereldasteroïdendag’ is, to point everyone to the danger of an impact.

More than a hundred leaders from science and from other areas have signed the declaration, with Queen guitarist and astronomer Brian May as one of the spokesmen. Furthermore, we encounter on the list include the following names:

  • Kip Thorne, a theoretical physicist, best known for his work on wormholes and time machines and scientific advisor to the movie Interstellar .
  • Biologist, atheist and author Richard Dawkins.
  • Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, the first man who ever made a spacewalk, and many other astronauts, including Jim Lovell (Apollo 8 and 13) and Chris Hadfield (known for his space version of David Bowie’s Space oddity ).
  • Brian Cox, former pop musician, particle physicist and presenter of various TV programs about science .
  • astronomer Jill Tarter, grande dame SETI and example for Jodie Foster’s character in the film Help .
  • Astronauts Richard Garriott, creator of ao game series Ultima and space tourist.
  • astronomers David Jewitt and Jane Luu, the discoverers of the first object in the Kuiper belt (okay, Pluto excluded).
  • Singer Peter Gabriel
  • SF writer David Brin

See the entire list here

Sources:… Aquarius Group , Asteroid Day


We are on this item (yet) reactions.


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